Friday, 1 February 2013


Some months ago, Syed Jamaluddin had predicted that KARACHI WILL BECOME JINNAHPUR. He had further predicted that Karachi would continue to burn until and unless Karachi is liberated and becomes REPUBLIC OF JINNAHPUR. Syed Jamaluddin is of the opinion that the world is now transforming itself in the 21st century. Middle East has recently witnessed many changes in terms of governance. Even Europe is now on the verge of some significant transformation. Spain is also going to be divided followed by more protests in Norhtern Ireland apart from potential movement in Belgium as a consequence of anticipated fall of EUROPEAN UNION in the coming years. Certain EU countries are already clinically bankrupt and suffering from financial and economic insolvency. United Kigdom has realized this ground reality and recent speech of David Cameron has proved the fact that Europe is now facing ALL-TIME HIGH social as well as economic depression. Countries like Egypt, Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan are not free from troubles. Pakistan is reaching to the point of its inevitable disintegration in the name of NEW PROVINCES. It was Syed Jamaluddin who had floated the idea of division of Pakistan which was earlier condemned by many people but now people have understood message and prediction of Syed Jamaluddin. MQM has also understood the message and prediction of Syed Jamaluddin. MQM has understood that Syed Jamaluddin´s advice to ALTAF HUSSAIN some months ago that MQM would not be allowed to penetrate in other parts of Pakistan and therefore MQM must focus only on KARACHI and other urban parts of SINDH in order to ensure that Karachi and Hyderabad become REPUBLIC OF JINNAHPUR. Syed Jamaluddin has once again predicted that Pakistan will face disintegration sometime during 2014 or in the beginning of 2015.